This is update #2 in our weekly series of new features and improvements.
This week, we're doing an overhaul of our test management system to provide stability in the scores and to remove the confusion some of you have had in the past.
Our ratings change mainly for 3 reasons:
For firmware updates, we're going to continue to do what we did in the past and retest the potentially affected tests when a firmware update is out. The only thing we're going to change here is that we're going to add an update on top of the review to let you know that it's been retested. In the past, it was only mentioned in the affected section of the review.
The new rating system is here to solve the problem of the last two points: when a new test is added or when adjustments are made in the weight of the rating system. In the past, we did so in a non-organized way which confused some of you since you didn’t know why the scores were different.
With this change, the scores should change less often, and when they do, it should be more clear to you what happened.
If you have any feedback or comments on the way the versioning of the test benches works, you can send us an email directly at