Forum Goals
We want our forums to be a place where anyone can talk about products and find the best one for their needs. Our goal is to ensure that the conversations taking place on our forums are authentic, genuine, and helpful to users.
General Rules
- Be respectful: Keep the conversation focused on the product or the issue, not the person.
- One account per user: We aim to maintain the integrity of our forums and prevent anyone from creating multiple accounts to control the narrative of a discussion or manipulate votes.
- No spam or self-promotion: Our forums are a space for users to discuss products with each other, not an opportunity to promote your own work.
- Identify brands and reviewers: Brands and reviewers should clearly identify themselves. For more information, see the Brands and Reviewers section.
Using Our Forums
- We encourage people to share their comments, questions, or concerns about products or our work.
- Anyone can browse the threads and discussions in our forums.
- New users must validate their email to create a new post or leave a comment.
- Linking to other sources or reviews is okay if it adds value to the conversation.
- Pictures or videos can be submitted using external links like Imgur or Google Drive.
- If you disagree with another user, respond with facts; avoid making it personal. For example, instead of saying, "Are you dumb? The review says..." say, "The review states..."
- Avoid deleting and reposting. We see everything posted in our forums; reposting does not guarantee a quicker reply.
- Focus on being helpful rather than putting people down. Everyone possesses different knowledge, so offer clarity when possible rather than being harsh or making assumptions.
- New accounts must validate their email to vote.
- Only one account per user can vote; no vote manipulation.
Brands and Reviewers
- All brands and reviewers operating in our forums must identify themselves with their usernames. Ex.: DylanRtings.
- Brands and reviewers must also receive verification to post in our forums.
- Upon validation of information, accounts associated with a brand or reviewer will receive a special indication.
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