For the Samsung J6300, what is the difference between the 50 inch and 55 inch you reviewed...
For the Samsung J6300, what is the difference between the 50 inch and 55 inch you reviewed (besides size and price)? I want to know if the 50 inch version has the same 120hz that will work with 24p to stream video and if there's any reason the 50 inch picture won't have the same quality of viewing vs the 55 inch (other than size). I was looking for a 40 inch for my small living room but wanted the 24p video to stream without judder and I don't need 4k. So the JU6500 has judder and the J7100 is very expensive. The J6300 is a sweet spot and still for sale on Samsung's site and a few others. Thanks!
We just did a comparison of the Samsung J6300 50", 55" and 60" panels to see their differences and the results are interesting. You can see the full comparison here. There is a few corrections to be made in the Amazon post you refer to. First, the 60" J6300 version MS01 is a Sharp panel as seen in the service menu of the TV. And both this panel and the 50" (version DH02 by AUO Optronics) that we have tested had better contrast than the Samsung 55" panel (version TH01). Blacks were the same for the Samsung and Sharp panels but the 50" AUO Optronics got slightly better/deeper blacks. As far as motion, both the Sharp and AUO Optronics had faster response time (less blur) than the Samsung panel. The Samsung panel also got beaten when it came to input lag. That said, the differences between the three panels weren't big and at a level where it is nearly impossible to differentiate just by looking at the TVs. In the end, from the tests we have done, the panel lottery isn't something to worry about.