Hi all, this is my 1st time posting here, but have been using the site as my main source of information when researching prior to a purchase. This is by far the best and most informative comprehensive guide of it’s kind and can’t thank you guys enough for all the help it’s provided me in my electronic purchases. Now that’s out of the way, the matter at hand…
I was planning on buying the U8G for the past few months, but when I was finally ready to pull the trigger, it wasn’t available from my local retailers and I really wanted to pick it up right away. That is the reason I started looking at the U8H, which added to my paralysis by over analysis.
I just ended up going with the U8H from Amazon this past Sunday at the lowest cost it’s been to my knowledge, but it won’t ship for another week or 2 and Best buy was showing it as unavailable by the time I made up my mind. So now that I have extra time to reflect I’m wondering if I made the right decision. I know the U8H is the replacement and newer model, but I haven’t found anything here that gives any indication of which model is preferred by rtings.com and/or superior.
Has anyone tested the newer model and if so how does compare? Any feedback on the new mini leds?
Any/all facts, feedback, or opinions welcome!
Thanks in Advance,